Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Boring Bits

Between the kitchen, at the front, and the bedrooms, at the rear, a passage runs down the house centre. On the left or South side are the three boring rooms.

Our "dated" bathroom

Closest to the bedrooms is the main bathroom. At best it could be quaintly described as "dated". If money was bountiful, it would be the first to get the "The Block" treatment.

Back up immediately behind the kitchen are two 'service' rooms. The first is more or less a rear entry hall or utility room. It can accomodate storage cupboards or materials best stored near the back door, such as dirty boots and fishing gear.

This room has an open doorway into the laundry. A gain this is rather "dated" but all you need is a sink, a bench and room for the washer. The bonus to this room is the second shower and toilet. Both have their own door/screen for privacy, so in effect the house has two bathrooms.
A nice big garage

The final room of note is the double garage below. It lies below the house due to the slope of the block. It is larger than double garage size allowing for shelving and other storage. Best of all as the house is raised, a door at the ree allows access into the foundation are that are high enough to stand belos allowing for storage of surfboards and other paraphenalia.

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